Opportunities Within Change – Melchizedek

Greetings beloveds. We come forth this day with a message regarding the changes and challenges you are experiencing in your world and your life.

Your planet, according to your television and radio news programs, appears as if it is falling apart. The truth is that, in a sense, it is. It is crumbling so that something better can be manifested by your group consciousness, which comes after you have altered your individual thought patterns. You will continue to see your human structures of finance, government and big business as well become ineffective within the higher frequency patterns coming forth at this time. This is necessary so that institutions of a higher vibratory rate can be erected, structures that will be in harmony with the higher frequency levels of the fifth dimension.

Most of your current creations are of a third-dimensional frequency pattern which, as you can see, will not withstand the higher vibrations of the fourth and fifth dimensions. These energies of duality are archaic and will not be supported by the higher frequencies within the dimensions you are moving into. As your individual vibrational patterns and the collective pattern expand into a more refined vibration, structures will come into place at a suitable time and in the appropriate manner. First, you as individuals change your frequency patterns; then as a result, the group consciousness will move to a higher vibratory rate.

Planet Earth is in the midst of a transformational process as well, which is necessary in order to move from the third dimension through the fourth and into the fifth.

Many of you have heard the phrase “Out of chaos comes order” and that is what is taking place upon and within Gaia at this time. It is also happening to many inhabitants of Gaia. Life is in chaos and is being reshaped by an increase in awareness and frequency. Those who cannot make the shift this round will do so at another time. As an inhabitant of fifth dimensional Earth, it is necessary that you have compatible frequencies. You are being given the opportunity to change your consciousness while in your body. However, some may decide to discard their bodily form as they move to another expression of awareness. The demise of your physical vessel is merely a change in consciousness, for the essence of your being will never die. Either way, it is a good thing, dear ones.

The changes we talk about and that you see before you are opportunities to move beyond your current level of awareness to a higher state of consciousness.  We encourage you to consider the challenges you face, and will face, as opportunities to move to the next level in your spiritual evolution, as you remember and embody who you truly are – a facet of God.

This is what you have been waiting for, dear ones; you are in the midst of an auspicious event. This is a lifetime of rare opportunity. You are here at a pivotal time, on a unique planet, experiencing a monumental transformation into a new level of existence. We encourage you to step into your divinity and strive to become all that you can be. You have within you all the necessary tools, wisdom and knowledge to move through this with ease and grace. You have the means, dear ones, for you were created in the image and likeness of the Creator.  Remember who you are and embrace your power.

Love is a powerful transformative energy that will help you on this journey, should you choose to use it. Love enables you to transmute lower frequencies, because it vibrates at an ultra-high frequency. Higher energy patterns always override lower energies. Therefore, as you embrace the frequency of love, you raise your vibration and draw higher vibrational events into your life.  And, as you do so, you affect the whole by raising the frequency of your group consciousness.

Appreciation creates a high vibration as well. You can shift your vibration from a low frequency to a high frequency by loving or appreciating the people in your life, nature or your day to day challenges, for example. That includes loving and/or appreciating yourself.

Another of your words that holds a high vibration is gratitude. As you feel gratitude, you increase your frequency as well.    

As you walk the path of expansion, which is eternal, we will forever be there to assist you, at your request.

You are loved beyond your knowing.

I AM Melchizedek

Randall’s Comments:

Every challenge provides an opportunity for growth, and in some cases, a quantum leap. Many of us have a habit of looking at obstacles in life as bad things, and they can be when we look at them that way; on the other hand, when we look at life’s complications as opportunities for personal growth, our energy shifts, and so do the dynamics of the situation: our vibration increases, our energy rises, people enjoy our company more, and problems are solved in an easier and timelier manner. This practice makes a vast difference in our life and the lives of people we interact with. Who would you rather spend time with, a person who has a positive outlook on life, or someone who is always complaining about something? Of course, when we complain we create more of that which we are complaining about… we keep digging the hole deeper.

Our outlook is the essential key. When we approach a problem with an open mind, focusing on the solution rather than the problem, the solution reveals itself. When we focus on the problem rather than the method to resolve the situation, it grows larger and becomes even more daunting. The whole energy around the obstacle changes when we look at a challenge as a gift rather than a bad thing and place our attention on the way out.

When we focus on the good in our world rather than the problems, we draw more beneficial karma our way. It is simply a matter of cause and effect. Focusing on the good in other people and our world brings more good people and pleasurable experiences into our environment, thus eliminating problems before they become an issue.

When we encounter difficult people, they are mirroring some aspect of ourselves back to us. When we have problem after problem, we are being shown something about our thoughts and beliefs that can be changed and must be changed if we want to make positive changes to our life. Many, and probably most, of our thoughts and beliefs are the result of our environment at an earlier age, coming from parents, teachers, relatives and friends. In The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, Gregg Braden tells us that we acquire most of our beliefs during our early childhood.

I know that this may just seem like a bunch of platitudes, but I assure you, if you put this practice to use, you will experience an amazing change in your life, for the better.

If you are not already doing this, give it a try, and let me know what happens. It will take some time and dedication, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Be joyful, embrace life and thrive!

With love,


©2018 –  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission.  Randall T. Monk, www.TimelyGuidance.com


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Steven M Shinn

    Much Mahalo Randy: This message came at a very opportune time. I am dealing with not only health issues, but some intermediate family member’s drug issues and a well intended friend who is sending energy that is not of the highest order. So, this message has helped reinforce my beliefs and course of action. “Muchos Majalos” Steve

    1. Randall Monk

      You are very welcome, Steve! I’m so thankful that it was you found the information useful. Much love.

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